Saturday, 21 February 2015

doing a happy dance...

After a long time of a computer that goes as slow as a snail I finally have a laptop that works swift enough to start doing this sort of stuff better than I have previously its amazing how a slow computer makes life a whole less fun hahaha...
I finally noticed that the link to the kit & clowder page wasn't working so have fixed that and have now added the JIC blog link on the side... I have tried numerous ties to get into blogging but due to the aspergers and the slow computer, I cudnt grasp it... fingers crossed I can now investigate it a little more and maybe post a little more than just design team stuff...

for me this is similar to journaling its something I start with good intentions and then plain forget hahahaha...
i'm hoping being on the JIC design team will help me remember...
Due to the fact I am pretty much packed to start a new chapter of mine and monkey's life my crafting is on a VERY slow goooo. I haven't made much other than the DT stuff not purely by choice but ciz im living in a floor to ceiling with boxes flat... packing and stress mixed with autism and arthritis and severe asthma SOOOOO not good hahaha

I laugh at everything if you hadn't guessed... I have to or id cry. im finally actually doing things I had for a while but not done like learning to design webpage, as I sell my stuff and facebook is shocking at allowing ppl to see your posts I thought it may be helpful to makw my own page to see if I can get interest that way...
also with both computer AND hard drive dying last year I lost all my pictures of stock so have to retake the lot but shall do it with a better background than what I have done previously... so many plans but will I do it? we shall see...


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