Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Yoyos n tempates

Trials on using them

Most recent completion

I made munchy a gillete/bodywarmer n a handmuff which she adores muff pics to follow

Fat quarter bundles

Found 3 nice fabrics n 1 unusual 1 one that it funky

Fabric shopping pt2

We also needed fabric for her 12yr old daughter coz she wanted something different as a messenger bag...

Fabric shopping pt1

Took my best mate to fabric shop to chose the fabric for her xmas present... She chose these...

Making cards through an krazy cards workshop

Been doing bits n bobs but not posting OPPS!

Ok so im done a few makes recently and not been updating my blog..  im full of cold n have headache so it may be that i do it in dribs n drabs

In reminants basket at fabric shop it was 60p each so i brought the 2 pieces... Using old pillows i stuffed them up n as a first attempt i thought they looked fab... So did munchy! She loves them so much she uses them in her imagination games as well as to sleep with :-)

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Blooms And Bugs: Bottoms Up - Part 7 - Aladdin pants sewing pattern...

Blooms And Bugs: Bottoms Up - Part 7 - Aladdin pants sewing pattern...:    This tutorial is seventh in the series focusing on sewing pants for children. Here's  the story behind the series, the second part of th...

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

What I did tonight

These are the only 2 of the disney faeries missing from munch's room I had colour them but didn't like them so I redid them n im quite impressed by them :-)  its taken 4hrs because munch has woken 4 times in 4 n a half hours... I still have a few bits to colour n laminate before thursday... Hoping to go to marwell zoo with nanny n munch on thursday.

I'm having a day in tomorrow! To help munch recoop from being away and decorate the cakes,i baked on sunday evening, do some more craft, and chill out.

MY RANT (kinda)
I took munch to my friends to play but we werent there as long as we normally are munch was tired and started bein aggressive, we are usually there a few hours but only an hour plus my mate had another person turn up who I found rude, I tried to join in conversation a few times for her to ignore my comment or cut me off... There was no need n found i felt awkward and out of place in my best mates house due to a new comer who felt she was more important n needed to be.heard more than listen... After her son encouraging my mates daughter to run around so munch cudnt keep up n I had to keep telling her off or consoling her when she'd get ignored,  I felt enough was enough n home we came, munch cried but more through tiredness than anything else so when we were home she was fine n felt better... I think i'll stick with positive ppl and ignore the fact one negative person opinion was insignificant... My mate apologised but it was not her fault nor her place. Im sure karma will out and everything has its time place and order...

My lifes journey hss taught me good things come to those who wait and also karma is like an elastic band it will on stretch so far before it twangs back n smack u in the face...

My 1st attempt at anime

Thought id try my hand at drawing anime... What do u think?

Monday, 9 April 2012


What I did last night and also my bargain sheet of decoupage

Well its easter...

So what did munch and I do? We had our easter 2day because she came back at quarter to 5. she was really excited to see me! I missed her lots, so we had lots of cuddles all evening as well as playing games. so this morning after our morning cuddles we went to nanny and g's for an easter egg hunt, it was brill! Munch had loads of lil eggs n marshy mallows with a bunny telling her when she was close. Then she had a peppa pig egg n a tinkerbell 1 too an a lil chick to end the hunt...

Then we went to poole with my nan and les n nanny n g... They had loads of cheap shops so I got a wheely cool bag for our picnics ends a few bits. We had lunch b4 going shopping an d a coffee at end coz g n my nan n munch were all shattered...
Munch catching up on sleep from being away

On the plus side I found some nice decoupage for CHEAP!!! 8 pages of fairy's for £3.50 so im scanning in mine n nanny's for future use.... (nanny n g left their bag here with them in, so i'm utilising them sitting here hehehe)

My nan n les came down on saturday from nuneaton with munch's carpet n my kitchen blind... They go home 2mora so it was nice they got time with munch because nan's in her 70's n lives 2 n half hours away...

Munch's new easter outfit i brought, she is wearing matching turquoise trousers :)

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Munch's bedroom

Well the carpet is in n furniture positioned most of her bits back in her room al tho still have a few bits to complete tho like hanging dream catchers n fairies

Saturday, 7 April 2012

busy busy busy

ok sooo while munch has been with her father for the last 4 nights and i have been missing her so much it hurts i have been decorating her room into a fairy nook and having a lot of positive feed back so am very happy :) the carpet goes down 2mora and the furniture back in ready for her coming home at 5.... i hope she's had a good time with him but will be even happier to have her home and get her back into a good routine...
SO.... so far i have gone from

the last 2 had the 1st coat of purple on :) fairy nook started to look more magical....

this year's MAKES so far

SOOOO..... hehehe my favourite way to start my posts.
as i was soooo ing hehehe what do i do? WELL, i have numerous little hobbies: as well as being a full time mom to Munch i also Crochet -->

 i made Munch this blanket to cuddle up that also turns in to a cushion (PERFECT for travel)

Colour with my Promarkers

 tink and silvermist aren't my best so i binned them
but these came out PERFECT :)

 Munch and i are growing plants and MAKING a garden hehehe (for the faeries to live in):

 Bean (Munch brought it home from nursery)

<---seed packets

Lucky stars n boxes

 my faerie toadstool home coloured as requested by Munch for her room
plus her jumpy bug :)

plus making card toppers

  also i've recently tried my hand at making a dress for Munch it turned out AMAZING we love it and had compliments at my cousin's wedding... 

Munch and i LOVE baking cakes and G reaps the reward as he gets to munch the end results as does Nanny (my parents)

 Munch and i love to mess about with making things out of her bricks
 AND of coursse being silly and MAKING faces :-D :-D
i do like drawing and taking pictures and also playign with them on the computer and what not but i cant show EVERYTHING ;-)
i have lots of hobbies but then i love being creative and making things that make people smile...

i'm hoping to make paper mache masks with Munch soon so shud be fun!!!